Specializing in the Home Furnishings Industry Since 1970




  • Enter sales from central office or on line from stores
  • Automatic allocation to inventory or stock orders with override ability
  • Time savings entry of "Paid and Taken" sales
  • “Consisting – of” system for efficient handling of sets or any type of group items
  • Computer catches most, if not all, clerical and math errors
  • Anti-theft controls to prevent unauthorized reductions of sale order balances or inventory
  • Inquiry by name, telephone number or sales order number


  • Saving clerical time - the computer highlights clerical and math errors
  • Greater accuracy and more control due to the numerous cross checks that are made by the computer
  • Savings in executive time - the computer prepares and prints both stock and special orders
  • Better customer service - there is immediate access to sales orders and the status of each line item on the sales order
  • Decreases inventory investment - efficient allocation of inventory and stock orders to sales
  • Savings in clerical time - "Paid and Taken" handles cash, inventory and sales in a single step

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